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Essential Las Vegas News, Tips, Deals and WTF.Mon, 21 Jul 2014 05:32:00 +0000
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By: Scott Roeben
Mon, 21 Jul 2014 05:32:00 +0000https://www.ace-it-certifications.com/vitalvegas/?p=8313#comment-2112In reply to eimaj.
Interesting. Will have to look into that.
By: eimaj
Sun, 20 Jul 2014 10:02:00 +0000https://www.ace-it-certifications.com/vitalvegas/?p=8313#comment-2109A little inside info, some of the reason for change has to do with having to pay union workers. Its a trend thats coming to many union properties. Close down a union spot and reopen as a NON union one.
By: Scott Roeben
Fri, 18 Jul 2014 10:19:00 +0000https://www.ace-it-certifications.com/vitalvegas/?p=8313#comment-2101In reply to Don McDonald.
D’oh! Great point. Added it to the post, thanks.
By: Don McDonald
Fri, 18 Jul 2014 03:10:00 +0000https://www.ace-it-certifications.com/vitalvegas/?p=8313#comment-2100You forgot Vic and Anthony’s which is a great old school type place.