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Latest Casino and Gaming NewsSun, 04 Nov 2018 17:41:03 +0000
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By: paul r. jones
Sun, 04 Nov 2018 17:41:03 +0000https://www.ace-it-certifications.com/news/?p=91646#comment-12772This whole “Indian tribal” thing is a plain fraud upon the United States Constitution.
It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is for politicians-state and federal-to dumb down as gullible non-Indian U.S./State citizens into believing that they-politicians-can pass statute law that regulates from the womb to the tomb the health, welfare, safety, benefits, capacities, metes and boundaries of a select group of U.S./State citizens made distinguishable from all other non-Indian U.S./State citizens because of their “Indian ancestry/race” at the same time the Constitution’s 14th Amendment’s ‘equal protection’ foreclosed the very same politicians from enacting statute law regulating from the womb to the tomb the health, welfare, safety, benefits, capacities, metes and boundaries for select group of U.S./State citizens with ‘slave ancestry/race’ all without a shred of Constitutional authority to do so. To date, no politician-state or federal-has answered this question…a question so simple, it is hard: “Where is the proclamation ratified by the voters of the United States that amends the United States Constitution to make the health, welfare, safety and benefits of a select group of U.S./State citizens distinguishable because of their Indian ancestry/race?”