Nevada Resort Association Says Marijuana Lounges Would Create Regulatory Headache for Casinos
Posted on: September 20, 2018, 04:30h.
Last updated on: September 20, 2018, 04:34h.
The Nevada Resort Association (NRA) is urging Las Vegas officials to delay considering a local ordinance that would authorize marijuana consumption lounges.

The voice of the gaming and resort industries in the Silver State, the NRA says such marijuana facilities would create “unique challenges” for nearby casinos. In a letter sent to Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman (I), City Council, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, and City Manager Scott Adams, the association requests that an ordinance to legalize the pot smoking lounges be delayed until more information is available.
Recreational marijuana has only been legal in Nevada since July 1, 2017,” NRA President Virginia Valentine said. “Consequently, communities have little or no experience with the impacts of lounges on the communities or surrounding businesses.”
Nevada voters approved the purchase, possession, and consumption of recreational marijuana during the November 2016 election. Local zoning ordinances prevent marijuana dispensaries from being located on the actual Strip.
Hazy Regulations
The Nevada Gaming Control Act requires casinos to comply with all federal, state, and local laws. With the feds still classifying marijuana as a Schedule 1 narcotic, the same grouping as heroin, LSD, and cocaine, and the state’s casino resorts are staying far away from the drug.
However, that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily opposed to marijuana smoking lounges. The Las Vegas Sun reports that Andy Abboud, the right-hand man of Las Vegas Sands billionaire Sheldon Adelson, said during a recent policy discussion with Clark County officials that lounges would likely deter cannabis use in resort guestrooms.
Nevada’s recreational marijuana law mandates that the drug be consumed on private property, meaning it isn’t to be used inside a hotel room. Abboud suggested allowing off-Strip marijuana lounges might be in the gaming industry’s best interest.
Councilman Bob Coffin is pushing the marijuana lounge ordinance, and says the NRA letter won’t slow his ambitions to allow consumption inside designated lounges. He says the issue will likely be readdressed in late October or November.
Pot of Gold
Despite an uncertain future regulatory environment, several marijuana development projects are well underway in Las Vegas.
The most notable is Planet 13, a $7.5 million complex that will become one of the world’s largest cannabis dispensaries when it opens in November. The marijuana superstore comes from former Henderson Mayor Bob Groesbeck and City Councilman Larry Scheffler.
The sprawling complex will initially open with 40,000-square-feet. Along with 45 checkout registers, the facility located at the intersection of Desert Inn and Sammy Davis Jr. Drive will offer a brewery, coffee shop, and food.
Additional planned phases will expand the building to 112,000-square feet. Sensory-activated floors, aerial floating orbs, and “laser graffiti” are just some of the features that customers will be able to experience. Ideally, Planet 13 will one day be permitted to allow customers to consume their marijuana purchases in a designated area.
Clark County Commission Chairman Steve Sisolak (D), who holds a nearly seven-point lead in the Nevada governor’s race over Attorney General Adam Laxalt (R), supports legalizing marijuana lounges. Laxalt opposed the legalization of recreational marijuana in 2016, but has since defended the state’s laws on the drug.
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Last Comments ( 2 )
This is obviously just about smoking the flower. Right now a lot of people are walking up and down the strip and inside casinos 'vaping' Marijuana and no one knows. Why? It doesn't smell like pot. You can take pills, have on a patch or even eat a piece of candy and consume the drug as well. I know it is still federally banned in all forms but who is going to enforce that completely? So, it comes down to smoke and smell.
Marijuana consumers deserve and demand equal rights and protections under our laws that are currently afforded to the drinkers of far more dangerous and deadly, yet perfectly legal, widely accepted, endlessly advertised and even glorified as an All-American pastime, alcohol. Plain and simple! Legalize Nationwide! It's time for us, the majority of The People to take back control of our national marijuana policy. By voting OUT of office any and all politicians who very publicly and vocally admit to having an anti-marijuana, prohibitionist agenda! Time to vote'em all OUT of office. Period. Plain and simple. Politicians who continue to demonize Marijuana, Corrupt Law Enforcement Officials who prefer to ruin peoples lives over Marijuana possession rather than solve real crimes who fund their departments toys and salaries with monies acquired through Marijuana home raids, seizures and forfeitures, and so-called "Addiction Specialists" who make their income off of the judicial misfortunes of our citizens who choose marijuana, - Your actions go against The Will of The People and Your Days In Office Are Numbered! Find new careers before you don't have one. The People have spoken! Get on-board with Marijuana Legalization Nationwide, or be left behind and find new careers. Your choice.