5 of the Most Epic Gambling-Themed Tattoos Ever
Tattoos come in all shapes and sizes, and one of the more popular subjects is gambling. Some of the artistry involved in creating these gambling-themed tattoos borders on genius, and here we’ve picked out our top five.

Attention to detail is a precious talent when it comes to tattoo line work, but this tattooist pulls it off with verve and class here. The white of the playing cards stands out, but the longer you look the more you take in and notice. It’s basically got everything you could want in a brilliant tattoo. Gambling paraphernalia. Check. Welcome to Las Vegas sign. Check. Tiger roaring. Check. Fire. Check. What isn’t there to like about this tattoo?

Credit is due to any tattooist who can make it look like they’ve tattooed a photograph onto a person’s skin. The use of red, black, and smoky tones is gritty here, but it also offers enough vibrancy to give this tattoo the life that sometimes gets lost when an image is inked on. The clarity of the roulette wheel is up there with the best. You probably wouldn’t be the only person to try spinning the wheel on that person’s arm and hoping to hit 35 black!

This tattoo could make the list on its bold colors alone. The clash of red and black epitomises the 50-50 odds of gambling. The 3D design of the dice is also stunning, and the refined detail on the playing cards and dollar bills shows great care and ability. It is also an interesting design for the Ace card. We can only wonder what the story behind that is.

If you are awarding points for definition on a tattoo, this has to be right at the top. Looking at this Las Vegas-inspired artwork you would be forgiven for thinking it’s been printed on crisp white paper. I’m not sure I’ve even seen newsprint with this sort of detail on the ink. The roulette wheel, dice, and playing cards emphasise the gambling theme, but it’s the toning involved that really make this beautiful to look at.

OK, so this tattoo might not be the cleanest in terms of its design. Some of the other entries on this list are more detailed and, dare we say, aesthetically pleasing. So why is this tattoo on the list? Well, we thought we’d end on a feel-good factor. It’s all about the message for us here. Simple but philosophical. “Life’s a gamble” is a phrase we can all live by. Every choice you make holds an element of risk. Everything we do might work or it might fail. You’ve just got to play the hand you’re dealt. So true.