Dead Man’s Hand in Poker: What is it And How To Play it?

The dead man’s hand is one of the most infamous poker hands of all time. It is also one that is evocative to superstitious players.
What is the Dead Man’s Hand in Poker?
- The dead man’s hand is a poker hand containing two black aces and two black eights alongside a face down kicker card.
- This most famous of poker hands entered popular culture because it was the cards in Wild Bill Hickock’s hand when he was shot.
- Since Wild Bill’s untimely death, aces and eights has been considered an unlucky hand in poker.
- While you’re unlikely to get shot if your dealt aces and eights in your next game, it is a marginal hand that take a little skill to play properly
- This guide will take you through the history behind the dead man’s hand and how to play it when you get dealt it.
With plenty of legends and intrigue behind this poker hand, we are here to unlock all the secrets. Read on as we guide you through what the dead man’s hand is, its origins, composition, and whether this poker hand is worth playing.
The Legend of the Dead Man’s Hand and Wild Bill
While the exact meaning of the dead man’s hand has been debated, the origins are well documented. It comes from the legend of the notorious lawman James Butler “Wild Bill” Hickock, who was shot dead while he held a specific poker hand. A known gambler, the hand Hickock was holding when he met his end has become known as bad luck.
According to the story, Wild Bill was playing real money poker on a table alongside Jack “Crooked Nose” McCall and several other players. McCall lost his whole pot, mostly to Bill Hickock. Wild Bill took an honorable stance and told McCall he would buy him breakfast and that he should not play again until he could pay back the money.
McCall was angered by this and came back drunk to see Wild Bill still playing cards at. Hickok was known for sitting in the corner because he was paranoid someone would try to kill him.
However, on that day, another player would not give up their corner seat at the poker table, so Bill played with his back to the door. Given the popularity of online poker and video poker, this is less of a problem for the modern player.
As McCall approached, he drew his Colt .45 and shot Wild Bill in the head while shouting, “Damn you! Take that!” And so, one of the most iconic and lasting legends in the history of poker was set.
Why Are Aces And 8s in The Dead Man’s Hand?
As legends have a habit of doing, the details are murky. The exact hand Wild Bill was holding is unknown, and there is a lot of debate about the hand. Even so, when superstitious poker players hold the dead man’s hand, they see it as bad luck.
The fateful day happened on August 2, 1876, and it did not take long for the word of the dead man’s hand to spread through the Old West and beyond. The first mentions of the hand were on record in 1886, but then it was described as a full house of three jacks and two tens. These days, most players see the dead man’s hand as two black aces and two black eights.
Over the last 150 years, there have been other interpretations of what the dead man’s hand is. However, the modern understanding came from the 1920s in a biography of Bill Hickock, Wild Bill Hickok: The Prince of Pistoleers.
Whether today’s definition of the hand is accurate or not, the two black aces and two black eights have become the best-known interpretation.

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The Dead Man’s Hand: How to Factor it into Your Poker Strategy
There may be a time during your online poker gameplay when you get the dead man’s hand. If you are an incredibly superstitious player, you may just fold the hand and move on. But that’s probably not the best poker strategy.
There is nothing wrong at all with playing this famous hand the next time you’re at a casino. The real question is whether the dead man’s hand is good or not.
Well, it is a middle-ground hand that is neither terrible nor excellent. Two pairs of higher-ranking cards is a decent hand, especially if you get the hand on the flop and can chase a full house or three of a kind. However, if you play through the round, two pairs is not a high-value hand.
Playing with the dead man’s hand can be interesting because you can potentially catch an opponent who’s trying to bluff with a low hand. With the dead man’s hand, a player will compete well with players holding a pair, such as 10-10, 9-9, 7-7, or 6-6.
Common Mistakes to Avoid With the Dead Man’s Hand
During a game of Texas Hold’em, Ace-Eight is what we consider a marginal hand. How you choose to play will depend on which type of player you are:
- In a late position, it is likely that you will call, but there is potential to raise if you fancy a risk. However, some players will simply fold this hand away from the start, and not for superstitious reasons.
- For example, if the player leading raises, it is probably best to fold the A-8. As mentioned, if the hand does not hit with an A-8 to form the dead man’s hand after the flop, you will be left on a high ace.
- Of course, you may get an ace in the flop for a pair, but while that is a high pair, the low 8 puts a lot of risk on playing on, especially during a hand where other players are raising.
It’s not a Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Hand
It is worth noting that Wild Bill was reportedly playing 5-card stud when he was shot, which is a variation Omaha poker, with a greater number of hole cards. This version of poker would be more rewarding to the dead man’s hand. You would have all five cards in your hand, so the Aces and Eights pairs would already be there. This would be a good hand in 5-card stud, so Hickok may have been holding winning cards in his hand.
It may seem like we class the dead man’s hand as a poor combination, but that is not the case. In fact, the average winning hand in Hold’em is two pairs. Bearing that in mind, Aces and Eights is a solid hand to have in either live or online poker. Even so, it comes with risk because it does not take much for an opponent to have a higher ranking.
The Dead Man’s Hand for Beginners
For poker beginners, this makes the dead man’s hand a bit of a dangerous hand. On the one hand, it looks like an excellent combination, with two pairs and one pair being Aces.
Experienced players with a good poker strategy know how to weigh the risk with potential reward, understanding the possible dangers of this hand. However, beginners may just see what they think is a very good hand and bet high on it.
Remember that while a solid hand, the dead man’s hand is not spectacular.
What is The Significance of The Dead Mans Hand?
One of the most famous hands in poker, the dead man’s hand conjures plenty of superstition and interest. It also plays an important role in poker history. Don’t throw this hand away because of legend; the dead man’s hand can still potentially win you pots.
Wild Bill may not have had much luck meeting his end while holding this hand, but hopefully, the dead man’s hand can help you walk away with the pot.
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